Fraud and deception risk is something that businesses small or big cannot ignore and whether you are there for profit or non-profit, fraud is something that you cannot ignore. Even governments face fraud risk and the only way to combat fraud is to fight it in its very own backyard. Fraud risk CANNOT be eliminated and can only Accepted, Avoided, Reduced or Transfer. The irony of this is quite simple: FRAUD STARES AT US AND WE CHOOSE TO IGNORE IT. THE TELL TAIL SIGNS ARE STARING AT US AND WE KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY CHOOSE TO IGNORE IT.

Interviewing and interrogation of the Fraud Perpetrator is the single most important activity in the fraud investigation process and therefore it’s imperative that the PERSON conducting the investigation is equipped with the right skill and emotional maturity to handle the situation.


  • Learning and understanding the Myths and Truths about Fraud World
  • Development and understanding of Fraud Scenarios
  • Identification of Fraud Red flags
  • Learn and conduct a Fraud and Deception Risk Assessment
  • Development of Prevention and Detective Strategies to combat Fraud
  • Development of framework for investigating


  • Fraud policy
  • Whistle-blower policy
  • Investigative template and report
  • Template - Fraud Risk Assessment


  • Understanding of key concepts in the space of Fraud and Deception Risk Assessment
  • Deliberation of framework and strategies in the space of Fraud and Deception Risk Assessment
  • Learning on how to develop fraud scenario and its corresponding mitigating controls


Date: On demand
Venue: To be advised
Duration: 3 Days
Time: 9am to 5pm (9 hours including 1 hour lunch break and 2 tea-breaks of 20 minutes. 30 minutes Questions and Answers and 30 minutes for Competency Assessment - Optional)
Fees: Singapore Dollars 2499 (before GST) per participant
10% discount for 2 or more participants from the same the Company
20% discount for 4 or more participants from the same the Company
Workshop Title