Governance is not something that you buy from the SHOP FLOOR but it’s something that you BUILD. The misconception that Governance is a standalone activity or something that you buy of the SELF is coming of age. Governance is a complex beast and needs to build on and have the blessing and mandate from the Board of Directors and execution from Operating Management.

Directors (Executive and Non-Executive) and Senior Management have fiduciary duties towards the sustainability of the Companies where they hold office. Their role is to provide strategy and direction to the Companies and ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS to the Operating Management. Asking the RIGHT QUESTIONS IS VITAL and more importantly KNOWING WHAT TO ASK IS even more so.


  • Understand the key concepts in the world of Corporate Governance
  • Learn the Methodologies used by companies to build their Corporate Governance
  • Learn about the Strategies and Pitfalls when building a Corporate Governance Framework


  • Questions that Directors (Executive and Non-Executive) and Senior Management should be asking the
  • Operating Management with regards building and managing Corporate Governance Framework
  • Comparison of the Corporate Governance Guidelines - ASEAN


  • Understanding of key concepts in the GOVERNANCE WORLD
  • Deliberation of strategies
  • Deliberation of case studies – Background Information and Issues and Action Taken
  • Lesson learned from Corporate Success and Failures – ASIA and WORLD


Date: On demand
Venue: To be advised
Time: 9am to 12noon (3 hours including 30 minutes Questions and Answers)
Fees: Singapore Dollars 599 (before GST) per participant
10% discount for 2 or more participants from the same the Company
20% discount for 4 or more participants from the same the Company