The Internet is something that mankind feels to be an essential part of the life and something we HUMAN CANNOT SEEM TO LIVE WITHOUT. We are living an age where life would nearly come to a standstill without the use of this technology – more particularly MOBILE PHONES. We have got into the trap of this cyber world, for which we have created the entry, but now trapped into the maze to search for the exodus. The present era of Computers, laptop, androids, Internet etc. is making the human its slaves. We are devoting our entire time towards this non-living component which is no more than an idiot box. There was a time when people used to call the television as the idiot box, but now with the emergence of the Internet into the living world, it could be termed much worse than a pretty idiot box. Folks can hardly survive without the Internet these days. There are people who still don’t know the usage of computers and its relevance in the life. Even those people use the technology unknowingly, as every industry necessarily uses this device. Right from the banks, hospitals, railway stations, etc. which uses the technology for better co-ordination in the work process worldwide, makes this technology reach to each nook and corner of the country. Even an illiterate person who operates his bank account and books a railway ticket is using the technology indirectly. – Quote from


  • Learn and understand the importance of protecting the Crown Jewels of the Business and its Challenges
  • Learn and understand the International framework for Managing Cyber Threats
  • How to Develop, Implement and Sustain a SAFE Environment


  • Cyber Security and Information Security Policy
  • Cyber Threats and Terminology - Infographics and Templates
  • Methodology – How to Audit the defences against cyber attacks


  • Understanding of key concepts in the world of World Wide Web and Dark Web
  • Deliberation of framework and strategies in the space of World Wide Web and Dark Web
  • Prevention and Detection controls to reduce the occurrence of Cyber Attacks


Date: On demand
Venue: To be advised
Duration: 2 Day
Time: 9am to 5pm (9 hours including 1 hour lunch break and 2 tea-breaks of 20 minutes. 30 minutes Questions and Answers and 30 minutes for Competency Assessment - Optional)
Fees: Singapore Dollars 2499 (before GST) per participant
10% discount for 2 or more participants from the same the Company
20% discount for 4 or more participants from the same the Company