Interviewing and Interrogation of the Fraud Perpetrator is the single most important activity in the fraud investigation process and therefore it’s imperative that the PERSON conducting the investigation is equipped with the right skill and emotional maturity to handle the situation.

The ability to build the case is essential as is the ability to cross-examine the alleged perpetrator. Maintaining the emotional maturity is vital and the ability to ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS AND INTERPRET BODY LANUGUAGE is the different between SUCCESS AND FAILURE.


  • How to conduct a Fraud Investigation
  • Developing the Questioning techniques
  • Understand and Learn how to interpret body language
  • Learn how to obtain confession from the fraudster
  • Learn how to Develop and Craft an investigative report


  • Steps on how Sample template on how to conduct and document a fraud investigation
  • Checklist on the DO and DO NOT of Fraud Investigation
  • Commentary paper of the legal rights of the perpetrator and company – based on Commonwealth Law.
  • This is just a guide and clearance should be sort from your legal counsel.


  • Understanding of key concepts in the space of Cross Examination
  • Deliberation of framework and strategies in the space of Cross Examination
  • Actual case study given to participants PRIOR to workshop and role-play to be filmed on Day 1 of workshop and watched by all for deliberation. Lectures and games to be followed and the same case study will be role played again on Day 3 and comparisons will be drawn upon and learnt.


Date: On demand
Venue: To be advised
Duration: 3 Days
Time: 9am to 5pm (9 hours including 1 hour lunch break and 2 tea-breaks of 20 minutes. 30 minutes Questions and Answers and 30 minutes for Competency Assessment - Optional)
Fees: Singapore Dollars 2499 (before GST) per participant
10% discount for 2 or more participants from the same the Company
20% discount for 4 or more participants from the same the Company