Simply put, whistle blowing is the reporting of misconduct of an employee or superior. Misconduct of course, can range from between minor issues, to complex, corporate-changing deeds of bad behaviour / leadership. Prime examples of how important whistle blowing can be for an organization are the past scandals of Enron, WorldCom, and the Bernie Madoff scandal of 2008. Reflecting on the WorldCom accounting scandal and whistle blowing’s role in the matter, one Fortune magazine article stated, “If [Cynthia] Cooper had been a good soldier, the whole incredible mess might have been concealed forever.” In simple words, had Cynthia not spoken up, the inappropriate behaviour would have continued and, as a result, cause even more damage than the scandal did when it surfaced to the public. Certainly, a terrifying thought! – Quote from Astron Solutions – Website Article -


  • Learn and understand the Myths and Truths about Whistle-Blowers and Whistle-Blowing Programs
  • Learn the Benefits of an effective Whistle-Blowing Program
  • How to protect the Whistle-Blower within the ambit of Law
  • How to audit organization’s Whistle-Blower Program


  • Whistle-Blowing Policy
  • Employee-Protection Policy
  • Templates for documenting activities within the Whistle-blowing process
  • Questioning and Listening techniques when attending to a Whistle-Blower call or communication


  • Understanding of key concepts in the world of Whistle-blowing and Employee Protection
  • Development and Deliberation of framework and strategies in the space of Whistle-blowing and Employee Protection


Date: On demand
Venue: To be advised
Duration: 2 Days
Time: 9am to 5pm (9 hours including 1 hour lunch break and 2 tea-breaks of 20 minutes. 30 minutes Questions and Answers and 30 minutes for Competency Assessment - Optional)
Fees: Singapore Dollars 1499 (before GST) per participant
10% discount for 2 or more participants from the same the Company
20% discount for 4 or more participants from the same the Company