Professionals in companies today believe that the threat of THEFT and FRAUD is coming from internal rather than external. Today, the irony is that information is power and yet it is so readily available. A classic scenario where potential theft or fraud may occur is when an Employee Resigns or is made Redundant. The latter is a common occurrence and yet we at the Companies are clueless on the activities of these folks when they have resigned. Even more astonishing is the fact that they still have access to all information of the Company despite not being there physically. Companies spent thousands and millions of dollars on protecting the companies from external threat and very little or next to nothing on the threat that is coming from inside the Company. It’s funny to note that Companies spend loads of time to understand and evaluate their external parties but nothing done to know their Potential Employees.


  • Learn the key concepts in the world of Wolves, the Sheep and the Sheepdogs
  • Identification and knowing of Assets, Crown Jewels and Sheepdogs
  • Learn and internalize the Human Behaviour
  • Strategies for Preventing & Detecting the threat of Wolves and development of Sheepdogs
  • Development of response plan when is Theft or Fraud, i.e. coming up with a defence plan that is air-tight and within the ambit of the Law


  • Assessment questionnaire for Wolves, the Sheep and the Sheepdogs
  • Audit program on how to execute an audit of Wolves, the Sheep and the Sheepdogs


  • Understanding of key concepts in the space of Wolves, the Sheep and the Sheepdogs
  • Deliberation of strategies
  • Deliberation of case studies – Background Information and Issues and Action Taken
  • Lesson learned from data and security breaches – ASIA and WORLD


Date: On demand
Venue: To be advised
Duration: 3 Days
Time: 9am to 5pm (9 hours including 1 hour lunch break and 2 tea-breaks of 20 minutes. 30 minutes Questions and Answers and 30 minutes for Competency Assessment - Optional)
Fees: Singapore Dollars 2499 (before GST) per participant
10% discount for 2 or more participants from the same the Company
20% discount for 4 or more participants from the same the Company